Personal blog of Rainer Ertl in Vienna Austria

Sunday, February 5

US Trip 22-29 Jan.

My company had a planning session so they sent me to NY, for 1 week. I have learned a couple of things:

1. I have realized that in US competition is much stronger and raises the quality of many little things in your dail-life . Such as radios with huge clock displays with background lightning next to your bed. Which can be dimmed and adjusted in terms of brightness. Or every bathroom had an extra babylight so you dont have to turn on the complete light if you wake up in the night and your eyes are not adjusted to bright light. Or TV news broadcasts sending weather news that are set up so even if you have only the visual information, you fully understand what they say. So there is no need to have the sound - which in some situations you dont have or you cant have. (hotel lobby, waiting in a queue at the airport, ....)
2. They dont know a lot about Austria - just Nazitum and Waldheim which makes me s/mad. I am tempted to refuse my origin in the future.
3. Some might say "Well US - they dont have tradition or culture". I would rather see that do not have the burden of a heritage that needs to be carried over from one generation to the next one without questioning. Might be the case but is much stronger here. ("Because we always did it that way.")You dont live in a world of opportunities but in a world of rules. In our country you have to stop on a red light - just because the light tells you. Not because there is a car coming or something. So if you are able to check if no one is coming you can turn right. It is a good example of adjustments and shifting decision ownership to the people and not having everything put into rules. I would like to see more of that, although I see that not everybody is able to cope with the responsibility he has. Probably someone does not want to have empowered thinking people... Nobody wants to have an armed neighbourhood so security is going back to the officials and they start watching and monitoring what their people do. It would not be NY if some clever minds were not tranforming this into some ideas.
4. Everybody is nice and used to live/cooperate with others.
5. On Demand strategy is pervasive!
I also had a chance to see some relatives and walking through central park (15 degrees Celcius while we had -10 in Vienna) or on the day going back to Europe I walked on the long island beach. Which is realy long and I enjoyed it a lot.

NY skyscraper, NY streets due to the sea they have a different light there very strong very intensive,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Von wem ist der Song original - ich hab die englische Version mal gehört aber weis nicht wer es singt - info bitte an =



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