Personal blog of Rainer Ertl in Vienna Austria

Sunday, February 5

The Art of Loving

I have read the following book - The art of Loving from Erich Fromm (German: Die Kunst des Liebens) and despite the fact that this is a very interesting book there are besides good ideas some points where I do not agree with Fromm. During more and intensive reading this section might be expanded.

1. Fromm describes in his book that the fact that mankind was once born: separated from the world and thus wishes to partner again. This separation of the rest of the world, and he chips in here the story from Adam and Eve expelled from garden Eden, is the reason why everyone is looking for love.
Now I do not see that this kind of argumentation is something I can believe (in). First because we are born we are still part of the universe and not separated in any kind of ways less. I would rather see that becoming one with everything as the Buddhis tradition calls it is one way of generating and feeling love with everything/body.

2. Fromm refers very often to bible stories and thinking from which he deducts his points.
I do not think that taking parts of a religion fundament should be used if new ways of thinking is what I am looking for. However it sometimes helps to communicate as he talks in words and stories that people know.


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